února 01, 2009

The 25

Na facebooku jsem byla společenským nátlakem (:-)) nucena sepsat nějakých 25 faktů o mě. Věci, co se staly, cíle a tak. Vybírala jsem dost náhodně. Překládam to nebudu, bo se mi nechce;-)

25 Random Facts

1. I became very ambitious last year and its complicating my life ever since. It's hard to be satisfied with myself sometimes.

2. If you gave me money and said 'Go wherever you want.', I'd pack my stuff and go to Peru. No doubt.

3. I don't like when people make hard grammatical mistakes in czech language. Especially if they are my teachers, it makes them look stupid.

4. I love driving cars! It's calming me down. I used to have a Skoda, called the Mouse and now I'm using dad's BMW, which I love truly and deeply.

5. I love learning new things and I'm very sorry I will never know as much as I'd like to.

6. I love traveling and I can't imagine life without it. I'm off whenever it's possible. Last time I made this crazy journey from Croatia...I'm not a vacation traveler, I'm an adventure traveler. And I prefer green to yellow (woods to beaches)

7. I speak czech, I've done six years of russian, but I'd need some people/time to practise (with) to get good at that, I speak fluently english (all thanks to my english-speaking friends), I'm learning spanish...slowly, but surely. Love the sound of it and its the major language in most of South America. And once I wanna speak french too. (speaking languages makes me feel closer to the people I'm talking to)

8. If you told me two years ago that I'll be studying biology on college, I would laugh at you. And if you added that it will be biology to make me a high school teacher, I would laugh at you even harder. I would be probably rolling on the floor laughing or just thinking you're crazy. But life's always full of surprises and is always changing our ways, right?

9. I 'composed' my first poem when I was seven and it never tired me.

10. I kinda fell in love with llamas, I collect pigs and i want to have a snake.

11. When junior year at high school I passed the travel guide exams and got that certification that I can guide like...everywhere. That's what I'd love to do for a job while still at school.

12. Back in 1998 a tram crashed me. I've got this scar going across my forehead and one right next to my nose, but that one is hard to see.

13. I've done some things, which lots of people would judge me for, but I don't regret them. They made me stronger and wiser.

14. I'm a big movie fan, probably two of my favorite actors are Brad Pitt and Gael Garcia Bernal, not because they're hot (even though they sure are), but because they are just good actors and wise enough to choose good movies. I like movies directed by A. G. Inarritu.

15. It's probably 'cause I have two older brothers, but I always get well with boys. It's fun to hang out with them. And I also have many friends who are way older than me.

16. I'm working at night. Starting studying at 10p.m. ending up at 2a.m. is just for me. The only bad thing about this is that I don't like waking up at noon, it's making me feel I've lost half of the day (what I actually have)

17. I love watching the storms going on outside, it's so powerfull to me. But I can't be outside, 'cause I'm freaking scared of being burnt by a lightning. I also like the smell of the spring rain, when it's raining 'cause of the humidity. Sometimes I even smell my shower, 'cause it's the same smell.

18. I love dancing and I'd love to dance in the rain.

19. My favorite season is spring, because it's pleasantly chilly.

20. Most of my friends never heard about at least a half of my favorite music.

21. I love geography. Don't know when this happened, but I just do. And literature!

22. Getting flowers makes me happy. A flower is better than a bracelet.

23. I was attending a photography seminar, photography is what I love to do.

24. I try to do a thick line after an issue whenever it's possible, when I need to go on. Risk, because you have nothing to loose.

25. The most amazing random thing that ever have happened to me was Neil, my random friend. I love randomness. The smallness of the world.

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